American Heart Association – From Bystander to Lifesaver
Did you know that each year, more than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside of the hospital in the U.S., and 90% of these are fatal? CPR, especially if performed immediately, could double, or triple a person’s chance of survival. However, only about 46% of people who experience cardiac arrest receive CPR from people nearby while waiting for emergency responders to arrive.
The new PSA, From Bystander to Lifesaver, from the American Heart Association’s Nation of Lifesavers initiative, highlights the importance of learning how to perform CPR so that, in times of cardiac emergency, anyone, anywhere is prepared and empowered to become a vital link in the chain of survival.
The American Heart Association's important PSA encourages bystanders to become lifesavers, emphasizing that together we can save lives.
By airing this PSA, you’ll be supporting the American Heart Association’s Nation of Lifesavers initiative’s goal of doubling the survival rate of cardiac arrest by 2030.
To learn more visit, heart.org/nation
Together, let's build a Nation of Lifesavers.
Length: :30 & 60 TV, :30 Radio
Language: English
Sponsor: American Heart Association
Target Audience: General Market
Media RelationsMedia RelationsUnited Statesmedia.relations@definition6.com-
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