Doctor, It’s Been Too Long
American Heart Association Launches New PSA Helping Americans Get Back to the Doctor.
The pandemic has significantly impacted our risk for heart disease and stroke. Over the past year, many of us have adopted unhealthy behaviors like skipping exercise, eating unhealthy foods, and increased alcohol and tobacco use, which can increase our risk for heart disease and stroke.
In addition, many Americans haven’t been back to their doctor since the pandemic started. If you’re overdue for an annual/regular check-up with your doctor or specialist, you may be getting off track on important wellness checks and prescription adjustments and renewals.
In this new PSA, the American Heart Association is reminding us that routine doctor visits are an important way to check-up on our overall health and prevent a heart attack or stroke. Managing conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes helps us stay strong for the people we love.
The “Doctor, It’s Been too Long” campaign aims to help Americans get back to the doctor so they can be strong in mind, body and heart. By airing this PSA, you can help listeners reclaim their health.
To learn more visit, heart.org/callyourdoctor.
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