American Heart Association: Go Red For Women, Just a Little Heart Attack with Elizabeth Banks
Inspired by the real-life stories of women who have been affected by heart disease, Emmy-nominated actress Elizabeth Banks stars in the Go Red For Women PSA, "Just a Little Heart Attack." The PSA provides a powerful wake-up call to women across America to understand their risk for heart disease and empowers them to put their health first. Banks uses her comedic talent to charm the audience while, ultimately, delivering an invaluable message about the possible consequences for women who ignore their risk of heart disease.
Many of your viewers are among the estimated 43 million women in the U.S. who are affected by cardiovascular disease. We invite you to join us in the fight against heart disease among women. Help us encourage your viewers to live a healthier lifestyle by airing this powerful PSA spot.
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Rich QuigleyVP, Client SolutionsUnited Statesrich.quigley@synapticdigital.com-
The “We All Have Something or Someone To Protect” and “Why I See Say” PSAs Demonstrate How Individuals Can Protect Their Neighbors and the Communities They Call Home
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How The American Heart Association (AHA) Shines a Light on the Impact of Cardiovascular Disease in Women, At Any Age