Choose Family Over Flu
American Heart Association Launches New PSA Urging You to Get the Flu Shot
An important new PSA from the American Heart Association asks the question – “Wouldn’t you do anything to protect your family?”.
No matter who you call family, when you get the flu shot, you’re protecting them, especially those at higher risk if they do get the flu, like people with heart disease, diabetes or obesity. Getting a flu shot every year decreases your chances of getting the flu and gives your immune system a boost so even if you do get the flu, you won’t get as sick. According to medical experts at the American Heart Association, it’s extra important to get a flu vaccination this year.
While community-wide health measures like physical distancing and mask wearing, helped keep the flu at bay last year, experts are predicting this flu season may be severe. Our population’s natural immunity may be lower since there was less flu activity and with COVID-19 still stressing the health care system, preventing the flu is key.
The “Choose Family Over Flu” PSA reminds listeners that getting a flu shot is particularly important this year and helps protect your health and the people you call family.
By airing these PSAs, you can help the American Heart Association inspire action. To learn more visit, heart.org/flu
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