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Heroes Saving Hearts

Release Date: 14 Oct 2022
Heroes Saving Hearts - 15 Sec

American Heart Association Launches New PSA Empowering the Latino Community in CPR Awareness and Education

An important new PSA from the American Heart Association spotlights the inequities among Hispanic-Latina and Black American Women who are at highest risk for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

In the United States, Hispanic-Latino and Black people are at a higher risk for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with a poor prognosis due to longstanding structural racism and social policies that have resulted in limited access to quality education and health care.

Despite improvement in CPR training, the survival rate for women experiencing cardiac arrest outside of a hospital has not improved significantly, especially for Hispanic-Latina and Black women. In fact, a clinical research study found that only 39% of women in cardiac arrest received CPR from strangers in public, compared with 45% of men, and men's odds of surviving were 23% higher than women.

The “Heroes Saving Hearts” PSA champions health equity and aims to empower the Hispanic-Latino community to learn the two easy steps to Hands-Only CPR to help save lives.

By airing these PSAs, you can help the American Heart Association inspire action. To learn more visit,  

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