Lower Your LDL Cholesterol Now
Did you know you can have high cholesterol without any symptoms? According to the CDC, about 38% of American adults have high cholesterol, which can be caused by poor lifestyle habits or genetics. While high LDL or “bad” cholesterol typically has no symptoms, it can have a big impact on cardiovascular health, increasing your risk of a heart attack or stroke.
The American Heart Association recommends that all adults 20 or older have their cholesterol and other traditional risk factors checked every four to six years as long as their risk remains low. Reduce your risk by knowing your LDL cholesterol level and working with your doctor on a treatment plan. Lowering your LDL cholesterol today can help you enjoy a healthier tomorrow.
This important new PSA from the American Heart Association will help your listeners stay healthy in the new year and live longer lives.
By airing this PSA, you’ll be supporting the American Heart Association’s “Lower Your LDL Cholesterol Now” campaign and highlighting the importance of good heart health.
To learn more visit, heart.org/LDL to learn why “lower is better.”
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