Mental Health America of Wisconsin PSA
Suicide occurs among all groups of people. No age, race, or socioeconomic class is immune. The suicide rate in Wisconsin is four times the homicide rate. Each year, over 700 Wisconsin residents die by suicide. In addition, approximately 5,500 Wisconsin residents are hospitalized due to intentional, self-inflicted injury.
The mission of MHA Wisconsin is to be a resource for those looking for help. Additionally, MHA Wisconsin has just opened a new Outpatient Counseling Services clinic where youth and adults, especially within the underserved communities, can receive treatment.
In this PSA, Greg Washington, a Wisconsin pastor and community leader, tells of his amazing journey. His story has inspired many people in the community to reach out and tell their story and pursue treatment. Please help us in spreading the word. We hope you will use these PSAs whenever public service time is available throughout the year.
For more information visit http://www.mhawisconsin.org/.
Marlaina QuintanaMental Health America of WisconsinUnited Statesmquintana@c-k.com(414) 227-1512
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