PSA Narrated by Tom Hanks Encourages Public to Take Note of Veterans at Risk for Suicide
Suicide is preventable through connectivity and community support, and each of us has a role to play. To mobilize the nation, a new PSA narrated by actor and filmmaker Tom Hanks urgently calls on the public to take notice and take action by reaching out to a Veteran who may be in crisis. Through simple actions, we have the power to make a big difference for our Veterans and service members.
The VA and its partners encourage the public to join the conversation by using #BeThere on social media, and by visiting www.BeThereforVeterans.com for more information on how to reach out and be there for the Veterans and service members in their communities.
We hope you will be able to use these spots whenever public service time is available throughout the year.
Title: Be There For Veterans
Length: 15 and 30
Format: HD video and NTSC MPEG-2
Language: English
End Date: None
Sponsor: Johnson & Johnson
Target Audience: All
Issue Area: Veterans
Dan SchwartzbergSynaptic DigitalUnited StatesDan.Schwartzberg@synapticdigital.com212-414-5670
The “We All Have Something or Someone To Protect” and “Why I See Say” PSAs Demonstrate How Individuals Can Protect Their Neighbors and the Communities They Call Home
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