Dear PSA Director,
Hepatitis C now kills more Americans each year than HIV. Untreated Hepatitis C is the leading cause of catastrophic liver damage and liver cancer, affecting up to 75 percent of Americans – especially Americans born between 1945 and 1965 – who don't even realize they have the virus.
Women In Government is a national, non-profit, non-partisan organization of women state legislators providing leadership opportunities, networking, expert forums, and educational resources for over 25 years on policy issues such as healthcare, education, energy, the environment, transportation, and more.
This PSA, recorded by Women In Government members during their 21st Annual State Directors' & 11th Biennial First Term Legislators' Conference in January 2015, lets people know that Hepatitis C shouldn't be a silent epidemic. Fortunately, in most cases, new treatments can cure the virus. The first step is to find out if you are infected. Just ask your health care provider for a simple blood test. If you are a baby boomer, it's covered by private insurers and Medicare.
Get tested and know your status. To learn more, visit Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Dyan Alexander
Executive Director
Women In Government
Hepatitis C now kills more Americans each year than HIV. Untreated Hepatitis C is the leading cause of catastrophic liver damage and liver cancer, affecting up to 75 percent of Americans – especially Americans born between 1945 and 1965 – who don't even realize they have the virus.
Women In Government is a national, non-profit, non-partisan organization of women state legislators providing leadership opportunities, networking, expert forums, and educational resources for over 25 years on policy issues such as healthcare, education, energy, the environment, transportation, and more.
This PSA, recorded by Women In Government members during their 21st Annual State Directors' & 11th Biennial First Term Legislators' Conference in January 2015, lets people know that Hepatitis C shouldn't be a silent epidemic. Fortunately, in most cases, new treatments can cure the virus. The first step is to find out if you are infected. Just ask your health care provider for a simple blood test. If you are a baby boomer, it's covered by private insurers and Medicare.
Get tested and know your status. To learn more, visit Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Dyan Alexander
Executive Director
Women In Government
Sumeira KashimAssociate Director of DevelopmentUnited Statesskashim@womeningovernment.org202 333 0825
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