Medical Care Awareness PSA
The cornerstone of quality medical care is a close doctor-patient relationship, and as a patient you rely on your doctor to prescribe treatments based on extensive consultation.
Women In Government, a national, non-profit, non-partisan organization of women state legislators, is asking for your support to raise awareness about the importance of keeping an eye on any changes to your medical treatment.
It may take a long time to find the right treatment regimen that works for a patient, especially if he or she is living with a chronic condition. Increased out-of-pocket costs or coverage restrictions may cause a patient to be changed to a treatment that may not be as effective.
Women In Government hosted its 22nd Annual State Directors Conference in Tampa, Florida and asked women state legislators from across the region to record public service announcements to talk about medical care.
Women In Government has provided leadership opportunities, networking, expert forums, and educational resources for over 25 years on policy issues such as healthcare, education, energy, the environment, transportation, and more. To learn more, visit www.womeningovernment.org
Please support us in our continued efforts by airing this PSA. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Dyan Alexander
Executive Director
Women In Government Foundation, Inc.
Dyan AlexanderExecutive DirectorUnited Statesdalexander@womeningovernment.org(202) 333 0825 -248
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