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What if California Citrus Disappeared? A Timely PSA from The Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program Warns of a Plant Disease Killing California Citrus

Release Date: 29 Jan 2024
Citrus Pest Disease Prevention CA Citrus English TV - 30 Secs

A fatal plant disease – Huanglongbing (HLB) – also known as citrus greening disease, has been found in California. Without support from California residents, it could be a death sentence to California’s backyard and commercial citrus trees.

While HLB is not harmful to humans or animals, there is no cure and once a citrus tree is infected, it will die and must be removed. The disease has decimated Florida citrus, and now that HLB is here, California’s beloved citrus trees are also at risk.

The disease can be spread by an insect called the Asian citrus psyllid, which can be found throughout California – the number one fresh citrus fruit producing state in the nation. By working together, we can all save our citrus trees.

California homeowners – 60 percent of whom own citrus trees – play an important role in protecting citrus in our state and are being asked to protect their backyard trees by searching for signs of the pest and disease.

Please help us encourage California residents to join this fight by airing this PSA spot and alerting them to report any suspicious pests or signs of HLB to the California Department of Food and Agriculture pest hotline: 800-491-1899.

For more information, visit

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