How The American Heart Association (AHA) is Fighting Against the Maternal Health Crisis
Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of new moms. Pregnancy-related deaths in the U.S. have risen nearly 140% over the last three decades and cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause.
The Maternal Health Crisis PSA from the AHA’s Go Red for Women movement encourages women to learn more about how cardiovascular disease can pose a threat to their heart health during pregnancy, in the critical months after giving birth, and later in life.
By airing this PSA, you’ll be supporting the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women movement which is fighting back against the maternal health crisis by supporting education, awareness, research and policy change.
To learn more visit, https://www.goredforwomen.org/pregnancy
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How The American Heart Association (AHA)’s Lower Your LDL (bad) Cholesterol Now™ PSA is Raising Awareness About the Hidden Risks of High Cholesterol
Cómo el anuncio de servicio público de la American Heart Association (AHA) Lower Your LDL Cholesterol Now™ está generando conciencia sobre los riesgos ocultos del colesterol alto.
How The American Heart Association (AHA)’s Go Red for Women Movement is helping moms everywhere, in the fight against cardiovascular disease (CVD)