The “We All Have Something or Someone To Protect” and “Why I See Say” PSAs Demonstrate How Individuals Can Protect Their Neighbors and the Communities They Call Home
Homeland security begins with hometown security. Each of us plays a vital part in ensuring the safety of our communities nationwide. Featuring the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland...
Los Anuncios de Servicio Público “Todos tenemos algo o a alguien que proteger” y “Por qué veo digo” Demuestran Cómo las Personas Pueden Proteger a sus Vecinos y a las Comunidades a las que Llaman Hogar
La seguridad nacional comienza con la seguridad local. Cada uno de nosotros desempeña un papel vital para garantizar la seguridad de nuestras comunidades en todo el país. El nuevo Anuncio de...
The American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Movement Spotlight on Women and CPR
Despite tremendous improvements in national CPR efforts, survival rates for women who have had cardiac arrest have not improved significantly. Research shows women are less likely to receive...
The American Heart Association Spotlights the State of Women’s Heart Health with their Go Red for Women Movement PSA
Heart Disease in Women Over 44% of women over 20 are living with some form of cardiovascular disease which remains the leading cause of death in women. The reality is women experience unique life...
Learn How to Spot a Stroke F.A.S.T. and Help Save a Life
Each year, approximately 800,000 people in the U.S. suffer a stroke, making it the fifth leading cause of death and a prominent contributor of serious, long-term disability. Most adults in the...
How The American Heart Association (AHA) is Fighting Against the Maternal Health Crisis
Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of new moms. Pregnancy-related deaths in the U.S. have risen nearly 140% over the last three decades and cardiovascular disease continues to be the...
Points of Light Launches PSAs Inspiring People to “Join the Movement” Through Volunteering
Volunteering is critical to strengthening communities. But it’s on the decline, which means now is the time to jump in. You can make a difference every day. It just takes that first step to get...
American Heart Association Brings Awareness to Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in Youth and Student Athletes
The American Heart Association is shedding light on the alarming statistics surrounding HCM, the leading cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes, with a disproportionately high risk among...
La American Heart Association Crea Conciencia Sobre la Miocardiopatía Hipertrófica en Deportistas Jóvenes y Estudiantes
La American Heart Association está revelando las alarmantes estadísticas que rodean al HCM, la principal causa de muerte cardíaca súbita en atletas jóvenes, con un riesgo desproporcionadamente...
The American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women Presents the Faces of Cardiovascular Disease PSA
Did you know that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death among women and claims more women’s lives than all cancers combined? In fact, nearly 45% of women over 20 are living...
¿Qué pasaría si los Cítricos de California Desaparecieran? Un Anuncio de Servicio Público del Programa de Prevención de Enfermedades y Plagas de los Cítricos Advierte a Tiempo Sobre una Enfermedad de las Plantas que Está Acabando con los Cítricos de California
Una enfermedad mortal de las plantas, el Huanglongbing (HBL), también conocido como enverdecimiento de los cítricos se ha descubierto en California. Sin el apoyo de los residentes de California,...
Lower Your LDL Cholesterol Now
Did you know you can have high cholesterol without any symptoms? According to the CDC, about 38% of American adults have high cholesterol, which can be caused by poor lifestyle habits or genetics....