The American Heart Association Releases New Go Red For Women 2017 PSAs
To support this initiative, The American Heart Association has released four new PSAs for 2017.
The spots include helpful tips for women on how to take preventative measures for developing cardiovascular diseases, such as knowing important heart health numbers and family history. They also highlight the sisterhood and support the AHA provides for women and their families.
Below is a menu of beautifully produced :60 and :30 second PSAs. Please include them in your programming as much as possible.
It's time for all women to know the most critical numbers in their life -- their hearts depend on them.
Dan SchwartzbergSynaptic DigitalUnited StatesDan.Schwartzberg@synapticdigital.com212-414-5670
The “We All Have Something or Someone To Protect” and “Why I See Say” PSAs Demonstrate How Individuals Can Protect Their Neighbors and the Communities They Call Home
Los Anuncios de Servicio Público “Todos tenemos algo o a alguien que proteger” y “Por qué veo digo” Demuestran Cómo las Personas Pueden Proteger a sus Vecinos y a las Comunidades a las que Llaman Hogar
How The American Heart Association (AHA) Shines a Light on the Impact of Cardiovascular Disease in Women, At Any Age