Dear PSA Director,
Women In Government is a national, non-profit, non-partisan organization of women state legislators providing leadership opportunities, networking, expert forums, and educational resources for over 25 years on policy issues such as healthcare, education, energy, the environment, transportation, and more.
Women In Government hosted its 18th Annual Western Regional Conference in Denver, Colorado and asked women state legislators from across the region to record public service announcements to raise awareness about the importance of adolescent vaccinations.
Many teens are not receiving scheduled vaccinations or are not receiving all recommended vaccines. Vaccine-preventable diseases can devastate even the healthiest of teens. For instance, bacterial meningitis kills 10 to 14 percent of all infected adolescents.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month, and as we gear up for the new school year, the PSAs discuss why adolescent vaccines are important for adolescent health and overall family health.
Please support us in our continued efforts to raise awareness about the importance of adolescent vaccinations by airing this PSA. To learn more, visit
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Dyan Alexander
Executive Director
Women In Government Foundation, Inc.
Women In Government is a national, non-profit, non-partisan organization of women state legislators providing leadership opportunities, networking, expert forums, and educational resources for over 25 years on policy issues such as healthcare, education, energy, the environment, transportation, and more.
Women In Government hosted its 18th Annual Western Regional Conference in Denver, Colorado and asked women state legislators from across the region to record public service announcements to raise awareness about the importance of adolescent vaccinations.
Many teens are not receiving scheduled vaccinations or are not receiving all recommended vaccines. Vaccine-preventable diseases can devastate even the healthiest of teens. For instance, bacterial meningitis kills 10 to 14 percent of all infected adolescents.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month, and as we gear up for the new school year, the PSAs discuss why adolescent vaccines are important for adolescent health and overall family health.
Please support us in our continued efforts to raise awareness about the importance of adolescent vaccinations by airing this PSA. To learn more, visit
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Dyan Alexander
Executive Director
Women In Government Foundation, Inc.
Sumeira KashimAssociate Director of DevelopmentUnited Statesskashim@womeningovernment.org202 333 0825
The “We All Have Something or Someone To Protect” and “Why I See Say” PSAs Demonstrate How Individuals Can Protect Their Neighbors and the Communities They Call Home
Los Anuncios de Servicio Público “Todos tenemos algo o a alguien que proteger” y “Por qué veo digo” Demuestran Cómo las Personas Pueden Proteger a sus Vecinos y a las Comunidades a las que Llaman Hogar
PSA de Radio sobre el Alerta de RSV Para Adultos de 60 años en Adelante