Talk to Your Teen About Marijuana
Legalization of marijuana is a popular topic of conversation as states across the country are starting to sell the drug legally to those over the age of 21. But because it's legal for adults, does that mean teenagers think it's now okay to try marijuana themselves?
According to a new research study by Rosecrance Health Network, a 501C3 organization, more than three fourths of teens believe that with the legalization of marijuana, teenagers may be more likely to experiment with the drug. And they also believe that having easier access to marijuana may accelerate teenagers in trying other drugs, including heroin.
There is no safe level of substance use among teenagers. Their brains are still developing, and substances can cause permanent damage. Recent research shows that even casual use of marijuana can cause structural damage to the brain and heart-related complications.
In a new animated public service announcement, available in :60 and :30-second versions, we show parents how to have a casual conversation with their teens about the dangers of marijuana use. We ask you to help us encourage parents to have this important conversation by airing this PSA when time permits.
Thank you for your consideration.
Judy Emerson, Director of Communications
Rosecrance Health Network
Dan SchwartzbergSynaptic DigitalUnited StatesDan.Schwartzberg@synapticdigital.com212-414-5670
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